Out of the billions of pages on the net
You have found this page
constructed to honor ALL Soldiers - Fallen Heroes
Police Officers - First Responders
and ALL Veterans -
You are invited to send me stories or
remembrances of heroes you knew
and I will place them on my new page
My New page can be found
at the following URL
Please Tap HERE
To read about and honor
ALL who Gave ALL
I assure you the time spent there
will NOT be time wasted
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Visitor to this page
Since I placed it on the net Sept 1998
It was moved Nov 2008 to a new site
My first page was built to honor friends lost in Vietnam
My new website includes Veterans
- Fallen Heroes - Police Officers - and First Responders
Consider this :
Some of those heroes have been gone 28,900,000 minutes
You can also submit your memorials of fallen friends, loved ones
from the Email Contact links found on that page
God Bless ALL
You should be hearing the moving songs
"Mansions Of The Lord" and "Sgt MacKenzie"
in the background while reading this page
If the music ends while still reading this page
Just refresh the page
The lyrics to the songs are found
"Mansions of the Lord"
Music by Nick Glennie-Smith/Words by Randall Wallace
Attribute - Non Commercial
Copyright Sony Records
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I believe it provided me spiritual help over the years
It's made by the hand of GOD in nature
End of Page - 30 End Of Page = 30I had 3 close friends who died in Vietnam
We each have them to thank for our lives In the U.S.
without their and their families sacrifices
we may not have the freedoms we enjoy
Because of the subject this page is long
I hope you take a few minutes of your time to read about
AND help remember and honor ALL the men and women, boys and girls who served
They are now embedded in eternity and they have forever
to continue to watch over and help us
as you read you should Have a Kleenex Ready
Before getting to them
I think it is fitting to list this first casualty - Dan Bullock ( December 21, 1953 - June 7, 1969 )
To show what kind of Young men we have in our country
I did not know this Young Man
But he enlisted in the Marines at age 14 - and was not drafted
Last night ( Nov 10th 2014 ) I saw a show on Smithsonian Channel
about the 25th Anniversary of Wall
the title was " Remembering Vietnam: The Wall at 25 "
During that show they mentioned Dan Bullock
as the Youngest Soldier to die in the war.
They said Dan Bullock altered his Birth certificate to enlist in the Marines at 14 - yes 14
They said Dan did this to help support your family back home.
then he was shipped to Vietnam at age 15 in May 1969
and died a month later on June 7 1969
in a night battle while going to get ammunition for his fellow soldiers
. Dan Bullock You are now one of my heroes.
Here is the Video of his mention in that program
and some pictures of Dan In Country
God Bless This Young Man, Dan Bullock
Every one who visits the wall says it is More than Just a memorial
It is a spiritual experience
I just found out, to my surprise,
there are mobile replicas of the Actual Vietnam Memorials wall
If you can't visit the actual wall
you may be able to visit one of the
traveling replicas of the Vietnam War Memorial Wall
these are set up in Various Cities around the country
On Nov 12th - I just posted the links to the traveling walls below
and coincidences of coincidences -
I was watching the local news on NOV 13th and saw One of the traveling walls is coming to my city - This weekend Nov 14th to 16th 2014
- How strange is that ?
Here is A PAGE WITH SCHEDULE for the AVTT ( American Veterans Traveling Tribute
CLICK HERE to see the schedule for another
Vietnam Traveling Memorial Wall
Make sure you
and visit the following link to leave comments and memorials and insights
into those men who died in the Vietnam War
- PUT a name or your date of birth or YOUR CITY or in the search box --
then follow the links to an area for each soldier where you can leave a tribute & Pictures of your own
Lets Not let these Brave Boys EVER be forgotten
Stop HERE at the Vietnam Wall Website Online for that
Please sign the guestbook below
OR send an email to the creator of this page
footeze @ Hotmail . com
The moving, stirring, haunting song "Mansions of the Lord" was sung by the West Point Glee Club
during the credits of the 2002 movie starring Mel Gibson -
"We Were Soldiers"
which chronicled the leadership of Lt Col Harold Moore, 1/7th Cavalry U.S Army,
in one of the first major battles of the Vietnam War
the Battle of Ia Drang on November 14–16, 1965,
also heard ON THIS PAGE from the movie is the dirge
"Sgt. MacKenzie"
Written by Joseph Kilna MacKenzie
Those songs were also played at Ronald Reagan's Memorial Service
Why did I include these songs ? ( and create this page -- is seen in the the following message I received )
U.S. military involvement in Vietnam ended on 15 August 1973
as a result of the Case–Church Amendment passed by the U.S. Congress.
The capture of Saigon by the Vietnam People's Army in April 1975 marked the end of the war,
and North and South Vietnam were reunified the following year.
What did we accomplish ? - 55,269 U.S. Soldiers dead and more missing
and over 1 1/2 million enemy soldiers and civilians killed in the war
Also to be found on this page are a compilation of the numbers of men and women who died
in Vietnam and the ALL other major wars
the United States of America has fought in JUST the last 97 years
Please be patient and keep reading --
Before getting to the memorials for all those who died in Vietnam
I feel it would be only right to remember a good friend of ALL Soldiers
Robin Williams
Star of Good Morning Vietnam
God Bless You Robin
You were the Best
This page was constructed to Help Remember Why
We owe so much to the Vets who have fought to insure our freedoms
and those who died in the wars we have fought and are fighting
But the Vietnam Veteranss and Heroes are the main reason for me making this page
Again, Please sign the guestbook seen above
I am the creator of this page - Bill Tomsick, I was born in 1947 and am 69 years old
As I sit at my computer, listening to the background music playing
while I update this page, I often find my self crying
and thinking about my 3 friends and ALL those Veterans
who have Served BUT especially those who have died for us
I think about what might have been ---
and IF they had had children what would those
children might have done
I am sure we have been robbed of many great accomplishments
because of the wars we fight
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Special Thanks to Fielding Freed ( see the section about his work near the bottom of this page
- and others who contributed to this page
Thank You for the Award
The Australian Artillery - Vietnam
Above is one more way I can help others
You should be seeing the Amber Alert Banner
If the Back Ground is Yellow there is an active Amber Alert
which means there is a child missing or abducted
I want to extend my thanks for all the families who had members serve in
World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, AND ALL wars we have ever been involved in
Our Vietnam Veterans came home to a less than a warm reception
BUT There are huge Numbers who came home AND as a result of their service suffer painful debilitating and in some cases fatal illnesses
from exposure to various elements In Vietnam
Before getting to the tribute I would like you to help another Vietnam Veteran - Lucius Littlejohn
UPDATE on Lucius Littlejohn
The above vet died waiting for medical help
Read the online petition started TO HELP THIS VETERAN
it was mostly ignored
I received an email AUG 11, 2010 further pointing out the situation Many of our vets are now in
You can read what Anne Petitti wrote me about the LIVING VETERANS who served
and continue to die
from service related causes AND FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH SOME OF THE illnesses such
Your soldier may be have the symptoms seen
More links to help Vets are found at the bottom of this page
Some people Don't appreciate what Our Boys and girls have done for US
in 2006 at the end of her show TV Host Nancy Grace
started showing a number which signified
soldiers who had been killed
She would also mention a soldier who had died along with that soldiers next of kin ( with feigned emotions )
I realized it was JUST the number of those who had died in IRAQ
I took it upon myself to contact her and tell about her slap in the face to
ALL the soldiers and their families who are/were serving and dying in Afghanistan too
She ignored me so I sent messages to EVERY ORG I could find
Associated with the Military, vets, and their families
and after years of trying to get her attention
IN Sept of 2010 -- AFTER 4 YEARS OF HER POSTING AND 9 years into the Afghan War
she finally started posting the total number of Our Boys and Girls
who have been killed in both of those theaters of battle
Of course there was no explanation from her as to why she changed her policy
She is too self absorbed to know what was going on - and would have claimed
It was her staff that was at fault
Ms ( dis )Grace is nothing more than a over inflated tabloid TV host
Some of the names listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall have been gone over 50 years
Remember -- they were someone's Sons, Daughters, Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Nieces, Nephews and Friends
Among those names are My fraternity brother Bill Papa, and friends Greg Fischer and Terry Kilbane
The 47TH anniversary of Bill Papa 's death will be May 5th 2015
Bill was born Sept 1st 1945 - the day before Japan Signed the Surrender Documents for WWII
Greg Fischer Died over 46 Years ago as of Feb 22nd 2014 - he was killed on Feb 22, 1968
TERRY Kilbane HAS BEEN gone over 47 YEARS on July 06, 1967 -
What surprised me is so many young people don't know
the difference between Memorial Day ( Last Monday In May )
and Veterans Day ( Nov 11th unless that is on Sat or Sun then it is the next Monday )
Memorial Day is a day for Remembering, and Honoring all of the Brave
men and women ( boys and girls really ) who paid Ultimate Price for our Freedom,
May the Sacrifices they and their families made for us never be forgotten
Veterans Day pays homage to the veterans who survived their service time
This page is dedicated to ALL those boys and girls who have served our country
or been taken from us too early
BUT especially to: my boyhood friends who were Vietnam era Soldiers
Their Families and ALL families of those who served / serve deserve our thanks and gratitude too
Lets also not forget the Veterans who served and survived
When Ever I see or talk to a Veteran I Always say Thank you,
especially those Veterans who served in WWII
I also remember Cleveland Patrolman Fred Vacha and My Father - Police Detective Adolph Tom ic
My daughter Meliss, who served in the Marines from 1990 to 1994 and was trained as a meteorologist
All of these men and women are responsible for our nation as it is today
Without their sacrifices
we would not enjoy the lifestyle we have become accustomed to
Another startling fact as of Nov 2014 -
if you accept that 16 years old is the age of being able to join the armed services
( 18 years old is the standard unless they had parental consent for 16 years old )-
the Age of the youngest men to serve in Vietnam
is NO younger than 57 ( our involvement stopped in 1973 )
The youngest to legally serve in Korea is NOW 77 ( ended July 1953 )
and for WWII it is 85 if they were 16 years old when they joined
- ( JAPAN Signed the documents for SURRENDER Sept 2nd 1945 )
70 years after WWII has ended
we are losing those WW II Vets to age and natural causes at a daily rate
far surpassing what the daily casualty rate was during the war
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Finally, to the main reason for this page
Remembering My Friends Bill Papa - Greg Fischer = Terry Kilbane
they all Died In Viet Nam in the late 1960's
as did 58,240 other men and 9 women from the mid 1960's to March 1973 -
a total of 58,249 ( still not exact )
AND there are over 2,530 STILL missing
I also remember Cleveland Patrolman Fred Vacha,
My Father, and other High School Valley Forge classmates who served
and various others whom I was asked by family and friends to add
I have put THIS memorial to them on the net
so they will be remembered Always
In addition - From DEC 2001 to Jan 2014 ( That's about approx 4770 days )
4,710 U.S. Men and Women ( just boys and girls in most cases )
have died In Iraq and another 1,705 in Afghanistan
updated Jan 2014 )
Once more: This page is dedicated to the men and women who served in Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan,
and ALL other Wars
but especially to my boyhood friends
Bill Papa - Terry Kilbane - Gregory Fischer -
They were Viet Nam Soldiers
I know they are in Heaven watching over and protecting us,
as they did while they were alive
I am sure they have an "In with the powers that be up There"
I have asked for their help many times
and it has never failed to come
I have included others here too
- not friends - but none the less heroes in my eyes
Alan Steffen died in Viet Nam - he was from my home town of Parma OH = U.S.A.F
Alan was the brother of Jim Steffen
with whom I worked at the Cleveland Plain Dealer for Many years
Lonnie Allen Floyd whom I never met, but was sent a message by his sister
In addition - Sgt. Steve Lintl whom I also never met but
There is a letter on this page to him from a
a comrade ( John Wolf ) in arms trying to locate him
Plus many others you will read about in few moments
There are boys who died from my alma mater ~
Valley Forge High School ~ Parma Heights Ohio
I graduated in 1965
I also attended St Ignatius High School from Sept 1961 to Feb 1964
When I transferred to Valley Forge
My schoolmates who were killed in Viet Nam are:
Carl Ange
Ronald Becksted
Terry Davis
Thomas Ewalt
Gregory Fischer
Edward Heifner
Ronald Kerner
Terence Kilbane
Daniel McGrath
Preston Mentall
Phillip Molina
William Rollason
Edward Scott Jr.
Jeffery Whitcomb
I did not know all of these brave boys BUT feel we must ALWAYS keep their memory alive
ANYONE wishing to add information or a name or story / tribute to a friend
or loved one lost in ANY conflict contact me
I have made a vow to visit the Viet Nam wall and make rubbings of my friends names
I am hoping to do this this year (2014)
And then visit the graves of Terry in Arlington National Cemetery
and Bill and Greg's burial sites in the Cleveland Area in next year
Years ago I suffered a spinal cord injury which limits my ability to get around with ease
Send this page to a friend.
Now to continue with the soldiers
ALL these were brave young men
who served their country and paid the ultimate price
Please take this poll
An ava is a bird nest
james taylor was a singerman, Jessica is Santa clauses s wife s name --
I went to college with dave kuntz -- jan is like jelly -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
a shrout is a death cover.
How do I find how many American soldiers died
were killed in vietnam. VietNam War
conflict how many still missing in southeast asia.
personal care items how can I send gifts to soldiers to show support for the troops
deployed in Iraq male and female
Cleveland Plain Dealer, Mary Tomsk.
cape coral florida,
friends who died in viet nam WWI WWII WW2 WW1 world war one world war two Korea,
Iraq, Afghanistan, Tomsichs Band Box Parma ohio 1979 to 1991 Roman Pawnyk
Cleveland Press WW1 WW2
AuctionsFree gifts for any soldiers personal care items for any soldiers male or female foot care care package items include this in a care package to a soldier anywhere. Ava Joy
Cape Coral Florida marine iwo jima memorial feb 23rd 1945
lee Tomsck plain dealer pressman ragman help 1965 valley forge High school Parma Ohio
Joe Dagata De Gada Linda RYKE BROWN Chappel Russ Todia, Jessica
Sgt. MacKenzie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Sgt. MacKenzie" Single by Joseph Kilna MacKenzie. from the album We Were Soldiers. Released ... "Sgt. MacKenzie" is a lament written and sung by Joseph Kilna ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sgt._MacKenzie - 26k - Cached Sgt. MacKenzie Sgt. MacKenzie. by Joseph Kilna MacKenzie. MacKenzie Tartan. Sgt. MacKenzie ... The lament, "Sgt MacKenzie", is written and sung by Joe Kilna Mackenzie son of ... compuball.com/av/sgtmackenzie.htm - 8k - Cached We Were Soldiers - Joseph Kilna MacKenzie - Sgt. MacKenzie We Were Soldiers. Music. Joseph Kilna MacKenzie - Sgt. MacKenzie ... www.cswap.com/2002/We_Were_Soldiers/song/Sgt._MacKenzie - Cached Walmart.com - Music Downloads Sgt. MacKenzie - Joseph Kilna MacKenzie. Final Battle - Joseph Kilna MacKenzie ... Sgt. MacKenzie - Joseph Kilna MacKenzie. 282. Joseph Kilna MacKenzie. We ... www.walmart.com/swap/LoadArtistTracks.do?mainCategoryId=224197 - 43k - Cached Joseph Kilna McKenzie Lyrics, Sgt. McKenzie Lyrics >> We Were Soldiers Soundtrack Lyrics, Joseph Kilna McKenzie Lyrics - Sgt. McKenzie Lyrics ... In memory of Sgt. Charles Stuart MacKenzie. Seaforth Highlanders ... www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/weweresoldiers/sgtmckenzie.htm - 12k - Cached Links to Vendor's Sites of the Clan MacKenzie Society in the Americas Official web site for the Clan MacKenzie Society in the Americas ... Joseph Kilna MacKenzie (Singer/Songwriter) had his song "Sgt. MacKenzie" ... www.clanmackenzie.com/mackenzie_links-vendors.html - 14k - Cached Play VideoYouTube - Warhammer-We were soldiers Music videoSong: Sgt McKenzie from We Were Soldiers ... by Joseph Kilna Mackenzie, about his grandfather, ... Veternas living veterans dying at the rate of 1200 per day in 2014 www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofBq5lNotf4 - 103k - Cached Mansions of the Lord Mansions of the Lord. This song was sung by the West Point ... (excerpt from "Sgt. MacKenzie" by Joseph Kilna MacKenzie) Lay me doon in the caul caul groon ... compuball.com/av/mansionsofthelord.htm - 5k - Cached Aziroet :: Comunidad de blogs :: Crear blog Wordpress gratuito importar ... Aziroet: Comunidad de blogs gratuitos basados en el sistema Wordpress que dará ... aremehisablog, aremehisaaguilar, Lee the alayna ma rp oliver barker accepted ... aziroet.com/dvdnotking - 15k - Cached Joseph Kilna Mackenzie Filmography - Yahoo! Movies Joseph Kilna Mackenzie : find the latest news, photos, filmography and awards at ... (2002) song producer & performer ("Sgt. Mackenzie")memorial day memorial page dedicated to those who died
Remember and support our troops on Veterans Day 2006 2008 1918 1919Celebrate Veterans Memorial Day Nov 11th 2008 2009 2010 2011
Dave Kuntz BASKETBELL TRI-C 1965 1966 coach eugene amari ed stoch euclid Ohio
Bill Papa Terry Kilbane Greg Fischer Died Y FORGE HIGH SCHOOL 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969
John Sutter Bob Vella Bill Tomsick, Ken Gorecki, fred Feldt, 2021 2020 andre Joe cordiakremember a good friend of ALL Soldiers
Robin William
Star of Good Morning VietnamGod Bless You Robin
You were the BestRobin Williams commits suicide by hanging himself with a belt and cutting his wrists Aug 11th 2014
Robert Vella and I hunted in Nebraska in the late 60's and early 70'sceil gassett
Suicides Vietnam soldiers Vietnam soldiers suicides heroes too